86 Years Old and Typing and Posting?

7/25/2024 When do you hang up the cleats of life and deside to lie around and pretty much do nothing? I have been on this blue spere 3rd planet from our star called the "Sun" since January 1, 1938. A slightly fictional birthdate so some scammer won't find me at that date. 68 and 1/2 years and I still get up early and welcome the Sun. I love morning TV cable news and watch Fox, NBC, MSNBC, BBC the USA edition, and a few other not listed here. Why do I look at so many news stations. I tell folks it is like watching a football game and each one see's it differently or as their editorial wants them to call it. I look at maybe 5 national news and then take an average. I have a sample. You let President Biden walk doing the steps of Airforce 1, then takes a stumble or pauses twice or three times. You guess on Fox, he fell at the top and tumbled all the way to the bottom. I switch to MSNBC, it was Joe stopping to meet the eyes of someone below and he was noticeing three or tour greeters at the bottom or accross the tarmack. I take a middle average! This note is short but I will be back tomorrow. God Bless the United States of America. Jeff the knutt in the Ham

Hickory North Carolina family gathering 7/7/2024

Names of Extend Clarks Present Juanita Clark aka Mom Karen Clark Nutter Wife of Jeff Jeff Nutter, Jr. Husband of Karen Kathi Clark Baucom, Wife of Steve Baucom Steve Baucom, Husband of Kathi C Baucom Kris Baucom, Son of Steve and Kathi Brittany Garrett, Sig. other of Kris Baucom Waylon Baucom, son of Kris and Brittany Baucon Volta Baucom, daughter of Kris and Brittany Paul Clark, Husband of Gretchen Clark Gretchen Clark, wife of Paul Clark This trip to North Carolina revolved around Kris and Brittany family visiting here from Los Angeles, California. Plus, Paul and Gretchen had just come back from a 2 week vacation to Italy. The children of Kris and Brittany have grown so since last here, Waylon is now 7 and Volta is 5. Kareb and I had rented a 2024 Audi, 5 series, Sport edition. The car has a huge driver display of everything you can imagine. Karen enjoyed the heated or cooling front seats and I enjoy the leg room and the seat tilting back almost 45 degrees. The weather was perfect but hot. We had one slow up due to an accident on I20 but still made the trip in exactly 7 hours, a record for us. We arrived at 11pm EDT and we all talked and visited with Sophia renewing her relationship with Juanita. Sophia did fine on the trip, none the worse from the 7 hours. Friday and Saturday were Karen and mom shopping even at Sams. The next day was much of the same except from letting out the dining room table and getting more chairs to accomodate 11 for dinner Sunday night. It was casual with sliced beef, ham, chicken plus havarti cheese and bread and condiment of choice. Regular salad and potato salad topped off your plate. It was then catching up on each others life and trips and pictures. The pictures of Venice, Italy with Gretchen said she would love to spend 2 weeks in Venice but still would back home. Why! the food is wonderful, but rich food and wine or drink every day would not be her normal diet., Kris said too his currnet movie or series will come to an end this summer. He is hopefully picking up another to keep the money coming in,. Brittany had a Batcholor of Arts degree and plans to go back to school to get her Masters of Arts in Interior Design. I ask Karen about hos this compares to the couple from Laurel, Ms and their remodeling pre-exisiting homes. Karen said "then same". Luckily, some of the classes are done on-line and she can work from home. Let me pause here and take a coke break. Jeff

Inherit from my EX?

9/8/2023 Ok, we have been divorced since July of 1990. But as think back over the years, there were things I bought for her that meant a lot at the time. Many came as a welcome surprise from her and a big smile which she shared. The most expensive was a diamond ring I had made for her. It had a center stone about 1/2 caret, surrouned by 6 diamonds about 15 points each. Having it custom made was a little pricey but was something Billy Johnson made at Brombergs downtown Birmingham. She made have sold this but I really do not know. The other ring was another ring from Brombergs and it had a semi-precious brown store but one cut and looked like a 4 or 5 caret brown diamond. This was set in a 14 caret yellow gold ring. It too she seemed to like. One anniverary I came on a coin silver 1944 half dollar and this was her birthday. Again I went to Brombergs downtown and got a sterling silver chain with a mounting that surrounding the 1/2 dollar with Benjaman Franklin on the face. The coin was a .88 percent silver now worth about 30 dollars. That with the sterling chain, I would guess $75.00 to $100.00 bucks. This really looked good on her with solid black or green back ground. My estimates are at the 60 or 70 prices, now today maybe $250.00. Again it is only an estimate. I bought her blue plates or bookends or small states, and some autographed by the member family visiting Brombergs in Downtown or in Mountain Brook. Some of these now are collectable in a big way. Then there was the Trunk Factory in downtown Birmingham. Ah the smell of leather upon opening the front door. I got to know of the owners there and could but bags or brief cases for her with the understanding I could return them. I don't thing she returned or swapped! Thank you my casual reader and I do hope you have enjoyed my ramblings. Knutt in The Ham in Alabama, US of America.

Surprise Time for All

9/3/2023 Now is the time for all good men to come to the time of their countrymen! Who has remembered the time of these new men and time? I am now just almost 86 years old. Correctly my age is 85 years, 9 months and 3 days. Pretty close to 86 yes? I was married to my first wife for almost 28 years, October 1962 until 1990. I met my new sweetheart teaching a Bible Study at 1st Presbyterian Church in Bessemer, Alabama. My minister encouraged me to get out and enjoy this new vesture in front of you. Karen was the leader of the Bible Study group and we entered in part, in her apartment in Hoover, Alabama. It was a weekly event and I picked up two ladies in a retirement community and back each pm. This got me back into SS in a new manner and that and Church and work got me back on myself in a more upright way. Now some 5 or 6 months after my divorce was final, I called Karen for a chance to dinner and maybe a movie. Now that week, but the next week, she said yes and we had Japanese dinner and closed the resturant. I jogged and was itching to get in a couple or three miles before my evening. She walked around the Hoover park as I got my numbers in.> I fell in love with her early on in our relationship. But we both knew we had to have some approval from our extended families. I have mom and 3 uncles here in Alabama and Karen passed with flying colors. My uncle Enoch approved of her when she enjoyed some Scotch with him. Bingo. My uncle Jack talked to me in his "man cave" put a can of beer in my hand and shared his thougths. Jeff, "you had better not let this one get away". He said too "I don't know how you stayed with the bitch as long as you did". I wish he would say what his thoughts! Karen and I married 2/21/1992. Our minister said if we married a week after Saint Valentine's, he would do it for FREE. We had a reception done by the ladies of the church and then a family dinner at the Formosa, a chinese restaurant we loved by when. We had a large room decorated and the tables in a U shape. Needless to say our Northcutt and Clark extended families closed down the place. We had mom and dad Clark staying with us and we barged in about 3am after a big fauxpa by our local hotel that will go unnamed. It has now been some 32 years, happily married and still in love with each other. Now too, both retired and enjoy TV, Kindles, eating with each other with a special lunch out with a good friends resturant Cedar House in Tarrant City. We work in a hair cut and maybe a doctor visit and maybe too shopping for groceries. Fun day. Pause for now. Welcome my casual reader.

Christian Burial?

Today is August 19.2023 Dear Gentile Reader, In the prior post, I tell about my ex-wife passing away. I learned about her passing away by my brothers friend calling him and asking if Betty Nutter is any kin? I must say it made me sad as I learned she had been battling cancel for over 10 years. I read her obit and there was no reference to her burial or cremation. I am not really surprised as she had not told me or her brother when her mother passed away. Learning about that did hurt as when her mother lived in Bessemer I went by her apartment almost every Sunday after Church. We kept me up on news about my boys and her Gardner family. We had to be careful as her daughter did not like me visiting or seeing her mother for some reason. Nan told Betty hit the ceiling when found a Pepsi can in the kitch sink and Church bulletin of that very same date. I called Nan then before going by there as her mother said it was best I not come by for a time. I did like she ask. Maybe 2 months went by and I again started calling after church. If Nan knew she was working it was OK for me to make a short visit. I left church material but I always took my Pepsi can with me when I left. Who looks in her mothers garbage can each time she was there to check if I had been by there. I game Nan two or three names of folks from church that she used if Betty ask about this material I left. I do not know if Betty had a service by a minister when she died. I have checked obits in the paper and other sources but to no avail. If my readers have a source, please leave a short note as to a source where I can find where she was buried or intered or cremated. Thanks ahead. Sorry this is a sad story and hopefully the next will be GOOD NEWS. Jeff the Knutt in the Ham

Betty Gardner Nutter Obit

Tuesday January 24, 2023 u The title is about the obit of my ex-wife and mother of my 2 boys. You can Google her or look up the Birmingham News of January 8th or 9th, 2023. She died December 24, 2022 and all I know is in the obituary about 2 weeks after she died. Unfortuately I am aliegnated from my boys so I have not heard from either Chris nor Jason. We have been divorced since July of 1990 or 32 years ago. Since I had not heard from her until last year, this alienation from the boys is understandable. The last 15 to 18 months she had text me, email me, or talked on the phone one time over 2 and 1/2 hours. Read on. I learned she had cancer back when she was only 62. She moved to Boulder, Colorado to live with my oldest Jasaon and his family. She tells me she had good doctors both her in Birmingham and in Boulder. But after somewhere around 10 years, she tells me she wore out her welcome. She said she returned home in Boulder, to find her room had been cleared out and her TV cable phone and email capability were now gone. She said that stay in the hospital she was expected to die there? What may have expired there I do not know, but she wanted to return to Birmingham. My oldest helper her return and she told me she was living off of 280 in Birmingham or Mountain Brook. She sounded well but her doctor said they had done all they could the last time and now she was on a palative medical situation. I get the jest she was not expected to live very long but she had a strong constition and was living far beyond their projection. I share some of her ideas as she wanted me to have a brown stone ring and a half dollar I had made into a Sterling necklace with the coin displaying her birthdate. I can only hope she shared this with one of my boys? We'll see. Pause here for now. Jeff

Reading between the lines

Today is February 21, 2020

How many times have you spoken or written a letter and have the recipient take the message
entirely wrong!  More than once, I would guess.  I have two sons both around 50.  I must say
both are totally displeased or mad with their father.  How long since I have talked to either one,
10 years with the oldest and 20 years with my youngest.  Why?

I can only made a calculated guess.  One, listening to someone else.  Two, reading a different
meaning into a letter or conversation.  Third, reading between the lines.

How many times have you gone into a meeting or met a person for the 1st time and later realize
you were totally wrong with the first impression.  I think of myself much like a coach or manager
of a team or maybe a single person, and their following another's direction rather than mine? I
believe this has happened and now they have cut me off with no way to have a dialog with either

I am looking at a yellow legal pad beside me and inside are no less than 10 letters and my
realizing these too can be interpreted differently than intended. My biggest problem now is
I have no dialog with either and a letter or note is a monolog from me, their father.

I have no valid phone number or cell number where I might call or text.  No email address to
either and I look at the physical address and only assume the son receives the letter.  I now no
longer can send a birthday or Christmas gift as I get no thank you note nor phone call to say
it was received. I sent a gift with signed receipt requested and it was not his.

The kicker in this problem is I talked to a third party and now told gift, notes, letters are
intercepted by one party, never getting to the addressee.  I now want to wish all who
may read this and wish you the best and only hope this has not happen to you.  If you
have a solution to my dilemma, please feel free to comment.