Betty Gardner Nutter Obit
Tuesday January 24, 2023 u The title is about the obit of my ex-wife and mother of my 2 boys. You can Google her or look up the Birmingham News of January 8th or 9th, 2023. She died December 24, 2022 and all I know is in the obituary about 2 weeks after she died. Unfortuately I am aliegnated from my boys so I have not heard from either Chris nor Jason. We have been divorced since July of 1990 or 32 years ago. Since I had not heard from her until last year, this alienation from the boys is understandable. The last 15 to 18 months she had text me, email me, or talked on the phone one time over 2 and 1/2 hours. Read on. I learned she had cancer back when she was only 62. She moved to Boulder, Colorado to live with my oldest Jasaon and his family. She tells me she had good doctors both her in Birmingham and in Boulder. But after somewhere around 10 years, she tells me she wore out her welcome. She said she returned home in Boulder, to find her room had been cleared out and her TV cable phone and email capability were now gone. She said that stay in the hospital she was expected to die there? What may have expired there I do not know, but she wanted to return to Birmingham. My oldest helper her return and she told me she was living off of 280 in Birmingham or Mountain Brook. She sounded well but her doctor said they had done all they could the last time and now she was on a palative medical situation. I get the jest she was not expected to live very long but she had a strong constition and was living far beyond their projection. I share some of her ideas as she wanted me to have a brown stone ring and a half dollar I had made into a Sterling necklace with the coin displaying her birthdate. I can only hope she shared this with one of my boys? We'll see. Pause here for now. Jeff
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