Reading between the lines

Today is February 21, 2020

How many times have you spoken or written a letter and have the recipient take the message
entirely wrong!  More than once, I would guess.  I have two sons both around 50.  I must say
both are totally displeased or mad with their father.  How long since I have talked to either one,
10 years with the oldest and 20 years with my youngest.  Why?

I can only made a calculated guess.  One, listening to someone else.  Two, reading a different
meaning into a letter or conversation.  Third, reading between the lines.

How many times have you gone into a meeting or met a person for the 1st time and later realize
you were totally wrong with the first impression.  I think of myself much like a coach or manager
of a team or maybe a single person, and their following another's direction rather than mine? I
believe this has happened and now they have cut me off with no way to have a dialog with either

I am looking at a yellow legal pad beside me and inside are no less than 10 letters and my
realizing these too can be interpreted differently than intended. My biggest problem now is
I have no dialog with either and a letter or note is a monolog from me, their father.

I have no valid phone number or cell number where I might call or text.  No email address to
either and I look at the physical address and only assume the son receives the letter.  I now no
longer can send a birthday or Christmas gift as I get no thank you note nor phone call to say
it was received. I sent a gift with signed receipt requested and it was not his.

The kicker in this problem is I talked to a third party and now told gift, notes, letters are
intercepted by one party, never getting to the addressee.  I now want to wish all who
may read this and wish you the best and only hope this has not happen to you.  If you
have a solution to my dilemma, please feel free to comment.