My Father In The Mirror!!
Sunday July 27, 2008: 10:30am
Good morning my family and casual reader,
Thinking about my father this morning and losing him when I was very young. I was a junior in college, only 22 years old and my dad has a heart attach and dies unexpectedly. My dad was only 63, and now I am 70 1/2 and think now I have lived almost 8 years longer than he did!
I guess I took after my mom, who lived to 92, 40 plus years living without a husband. I continue to be puzzled about my life and this morning reflecting on all the things my father instilled in me as a child and a young man. I miss him even now, some 40 plus years later, sometimes like it was only yesterday.
But my dad was a wonderful father and gave me so many things I did not realize then, but are evident in how I have lived my life.
He loved his family, his wife, and his children and I try each day to immulate him.
He cooked and served his family breakfast and coffee to mom in bed. I do to.
He was handy with is hands, loved repairing things and making the most of thing.
He kept his family safe and guarded them in every way.
He knew the family of faith and kept us trained in how He wants us to live.
He was thrify, not knowing he was a Scot, and it came naturally.
He gave to others in need, but did not make them dependent on him, gifts not loans.
He handled finances well, knew good business practices and how honesty is a MUST.
He believed a man's word was his bond and a handshake was the only promise needed.
He loved pets, took in the strays, healed them and made them whole again.
He taught me the art of fishing and boating as a child, so I joined the Coast Guard.
He loved the military and instilled in me that this discipline early was essential.
He loved his Church, his ministers and served as I do when asked to.
He taught us boys all the disciples we needed and made us enjoy this order in life.
He told us he would love us always, even when grown, we would always be his children.
He loved openly, and unembarresed to show that love in his everyday life.
He discarded things that were negaitives in life, and made the positive our targets.
He taught us every skills in the importance of hard work and we grew to expect it.
He made work a love not just a means to an end and to do our best always.
He conforted us when hurt and gave us love abundantly to change us everyday.
He made friends so easily and everyone loved him in return.
He rarely showed anger, only when someone obviously wronged him, but soon discarded.
He was not a rich man in money and things but stressed the inportant things in life.
His wisdom kept us safe and helped us not to make mistates in our lives.
He read the Bible to us each morning or evening helping us understand the scriptures.
He loved the Psalms and we kept these to heart as they leaded each of us.
He was a good man and I know he is looking down on me and guiding me each day.
What a wonderful father Jefferson B. Nutter, Sr. was to his first son. They named me after him and even today I sign my name with Jr. after my name and think of him each time I sign something. Thanks dad for teaching me everything. I just told Karen I am not batting 1,000 in living up to him, but I try each day to be a better man and father. HE DID!
Jeff Nutter, "JR."