Gone Cat, or Almost!
Saturday December 31, 2005
Dear family and friends,
This story happen some days ago and does have a happy ending. Gracie is our Persian cat, black with lone silky fur and real picky on who she likes. She generally is a two person cat, and that is Karen and me. She finally accepted mom and dad after maybe a day here and soon was asking them to pet her. The first few hours here, Gracie makes herself invisable, with places to hide we have yet to find.
Tuesday was an unual day for mom and dad here. Karen and I both had to work all day and they were here with Gracie all day. Jack Nutter came by and left a present for Karen and Gracie made herself scarce again. When Jack came, mom and dad noticed the storm door did not close completely and they were afraid Gracie had gotten out. Jack remembered Gracie sleeking down the stairs when he was here but that all he saw of her. Mom and dad looked for Gracie after Jack left both inside and out, calling her name but with no results.
Later, Bob Taylor called and mom and dad had lunch with him at Landry's restaurant at Lakeshore and were back here about 3:00pm and again "No Gracie". Karen got home first about 5:30pm and I was here at 6:00pm and heard the story about Gracie possibly getting out. I parked my car in the garage and walked around the house outside calling her name, but with no response.
I got my briefcases out of the trunk and made my way up the stair into the hallway and ask everyone to be quiet and let me call her with my special way of talking to her each morning when she starts my day. I looked into the living room and something gray to black went slinking by me downstairs to her sandbox. LOW AND BEHOLD, IT WAS GRACIE! All the heartache mom and dad went through thinking she was outside which would be bad as she has no front claws and would be defenseless. Soon I called her again and got into my chair and into my lap she came, looking for love and the warmth of my lap.
Thanks Gracie for choosing to stay in and not take the chance of going outside into the cruel, cruel world. She is an inside kitty and I now think she knows it better than we do!