86 Years Old and Typing and Posting?

7/25/2024 When do you hang up the cleats of life and deside to lie around and pretty much do nothing? I have been on this blue spere 3rd planet from our star called the "Sun" since January 1, 1938. A slightly fictional birthdate so some scammer won't find me at that date. 68 and 1/2 years and I still get up early and welcome the Sun. I love morning TV cable news and watch Fox, NBC, MSNBC, BBC the USA edition, and a few other not listed here. Why do I look at so many news stations. I tell folks it is like watching a football game and each one see's it differently or as their editorial wants them to call it. I look at maybe 5 national news and then take an average. I have a sample. You let President Biden walk doing the steps of Airforce 1, then takes a stumble or pauses twice or three times. You guess on Fox, he fell at the top and tumbled all the way to the bottom. I switch to MSNBC, it was Joe stopping to meet the eyes of someone below and he was noticeing three or tour greeters at the bottom or accross the tarmack. I take a middle average! This note is short but I will be back tomorrow. God Bless the United States of America. Jeff the knutt in the Ham

Hickory North Carolina family gathering 7/7/2024

Names of Extend Clarks Present Juanita Clark aka Mom Karen Clark Nutter Wife of Jeff Jeff Nutter, Jr. Husband of Karen Kathi Clark Baucom, Wife of Steve Baucom Steve Baucom, Husband of Kathi C Baucom Kris Baucom, Son of Steve and Kathi Brittany Garrett, Sig. other of Kris Baucom Waylon Baucom, son of Kris and Brittany Baucon Volta Baucom, daughter of Kris and Brittany Paul Clark, Husband of Gretchen Clark Gretchen Clark, wife of Paul Clark This trip to North Carolina revolved around Kris and Brittany family visiting here from Los Angeles, California. Plus, Paul and Gretchen had just come back from a 2 week vacation to Italy. The children of Kris and Brittany have grown so since last here, Waylon is now 7 and Volta is 5. Kareb and I had rented a 2024 Audi, 5 series, Sport edition. The car has a huge driver display of everything you can imagine. Karen enjoyed the heated or cooling front seats and I enjoy the leg room and the seat tilting back almost 45 degrees. The weather was perfect but hot. We had one slow up due to an accident on I20 but still made the trip in exactly 7 hours, a record for us. We arrived at 11pm EDT and we all talked and visited with Sophia renewing her relationship with Juanita. Sophia did fine on the trip, none the worse from the 7 hours. Friday and Saturday were Karen and mom shopping even at Sams. The next day was much of the same except from letting out the dining room table and getting more chairs to accomodate 11 for dinner Sunday night. It was casual with sliced beef, ham, chicken plus havarti cheese and bread and condiment of choice. Regular salad and potato salad topped off your plate. It was then catching up on each others life and trips and pictures. The pictures of Venice, Italy with Gretchen said she would love to spend 2 weeks in Venice but still would back home. Why! the food is wonderful, but rich food and wine or drink every day would not be her normal diet., Kris said too his currnet movie or series will come to an end this summer. He is hopefully picking up another to keep the money coming in,. Brittany had a Batcholor of Arts degree and plans to go back to school to get her Masters of Arts in Interior Design. I ask Karen about hos this compares to the couple from Laurel, Ms and their remodeling pre-exisiting homes. Karen said "then same". Luckily, some of the classes are done on-line and she can work from home. Let me pause here and take a coke break. Jeff