Bama Azealas 3

This is one of the two azelas next to the windows up next to the house. Unfortunately these two plants only get the late afternoon sun. You can see the blooms and flower reaching out to gather in the sun's rays. Hope you enjoy my postings today...Friday 4/17/2009. Jeff the Knutt in the Ham

Colorado Columbines in Bama

Enjoy my efforts in the smaller bed at the base of my mailbox. Karen found me some columbine plants and this is the sole survivor from last year. Luckily I added fertilizer and covered it with chips and manure keeping it warm enough through winter. Enjoy my efforts...Jeff the Knutt in the Ham

Alabama Azelas 2

This one is on the edge of my driveway, and gets morning and evening sun. It is glorious even now almost a week after Easter Sunday. The rain and wind has taken it's toll on some of the current bloomings but I got these shots at their peak...Hope you enjoy these and more pictures to come. Jeff the Knutt in the Ham

Alabama Azelas

You must enjoy my efforts last fall, getting my flower beds turned and fertilizer and wood chips, all adding to this beautiful work of nature. Alabama yards are abounding with azelas of all colors and varieties. Enjoy mine. Jeff

Jack, Jimmy and Billy

I thought I would share a pix of 3 of my Northcutt family uncles. This was from Sept. 1992 and I have lost the two on each end. My uncle Jim in the middle is in his mid-seventies and hope I hold on to him quite a while longer. jeff the knutt in the ham

$399.97 Car Tags


Good morning my family and friends and casual reader.

Karen and I own 3 vehicles, including a 1991 Honda Civic 4 door I would love to sell to someone. But she and I drive Fords, a 2004 Taurus and a 2008 Escape I bought Karen last year. First there is sticker shock when you buy a new car or truck or SUV and then that shock when you buy the first full year car tag.

I knew about what the Civic and Taurus would be but the 2008 would be the 'biggey' this year. The Civic was $36.00, the Taurus was $145.00 and the shocker was the Escape was the balance. The clerk at the Homewood office did not blink when she said "$399.97" for all. Then it was "will that be by check or credit card?" Quit laughing, my choice was a no brainer.

Let's let Visa bill me for this in 30 days and giving me 4 weeks to save up to pay it. I hated to have to pay for the tag for the Civic as it is for sale, but they explained I "must" have a tag on it showing the current taxes are paid. Humm?

The only good thing about this event is I got all new tags. Alabama has changed their tags from "Heart of Dixie" to "Sweet Home Alabama" and a very nice looking tag. Plus the tags are now sequentially making it easier for Karen and me to remember them. Karen really did not like her old tag as it ended in 666 but who is superstitious(sp). Only she had an accident in her new Escape 7 days after I put the new tag on her car. It only scuffed up the passenger side tires, but she just hated it. I would too, but I was glad she was just OK.

Love you guys and feel free to comment and leave some of your stories. I am up early this am, body aching after working 10 hours yesterday. My bad!

jeff the knutt in the ham

Two Weeks Later

4/5/2009 pm

Dear friends and family, etc

"I guess getting old is not for a sissy!" You are going to have stuff go wrong if you live long enough. I was so fortunate too have almost no painful problems for over 65 years then stuff began to hurt.

It is now 2 weeks after 4 plus days in the hospital and checking out everything. I guess some more doctor visits and tests are in the works to find out what is causing pain in around my chest, heart, stomach, arm, even my legs. Now where do I start checking.

I had my physical a week ago and everything checked out OK. Even my cholestrol was 168 well below the target <200. My bad stuff was down and good stuff was up and the ratio was 3.6 well below the <5.0 target. Fibromialgia or something like that is cropping up in my conversation with my docs as it is pain they cannot find a source for.

I'll try and post an update next week after a further checkup with my heart and gastro doctor. I expect they will punch and push and decide I need to get my Blue Cross card out for somemore test. News at 11:)!

Jeff the Knutt in the Ham