14.8 lb. Aluminum Pull Tabs
1/22/2009 pm
Dear friends and family,
Long time ago, years and years, somebody told me to save the aluminum pull tabs off of canned Cokes, Pepsi, etc for charities and school. I was working back then and got customers and warehouses to save these for me. I never knew what this habit and collection might turn into.
It started out small then other folks got into the swing of doing this and I found myself with ziplock bags, small bottles, larger bottles, tin cans, all filled with these aluminum pull tabs. I collected these religiously and put them into larger ziplocks and stored these in our garage.
In my kitchen, I have had several 64oz Gatorade bottles and over the years these too have been filled by my use and contributions, and them too migrating to a shelf in my garage. Now remember this started YEARS ago and I am thinking how much do I have and will it be worth anything to a school or charity. Then yesterday, Bingo!
Karen came home from work with new two fellow employees had kids in Leeds Elementary School and Pleasant Grove Middle School, both schools with contest with the kids as to how many they could get their friends to collect for them for school supplies.
Leeds we knew about first, so they got the bulk of these.
Karen took these to work yesterday in a box that copy paper comes in and they weighed these ziplocks and Gatorade bottles on the banks postage scales. FOURTEEN POUNDS PLUS 8/10TH OF NUMBER FIFTEEN. Karen told me about this last night and I pointed out one full 64oz. Gatorade bottle she missed, probably another 2 lbs or more. These last ones plus all the "helping schools" coupons I cut off of cereal and tissue boxes and these went to Pleasant Grove Middle School.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when the child from Leeds Elementary Schools turns in his 14.8 lbs. plus what he collects himself. I would be he or she is in the lead from the get go! It took years to collect over 15 pounds of aluminum pull tabs and finally they are going toward a good cause....
Jeff the Knutt in the Ham