Mom in Hospital 11/22/2006
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 2006
Dear friends and family,
Two days have gone by without writing an update on mom. I apologize. Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday are both long days for me. But Jack went to see mom Tuesday afternoon and I went Wednesday afternoon.
Shana was mom's nurse Tuesday afternoon when Jack got there. Midgie is a little antsy and uncomfortable from pain and sedative medications being withdrawn over the last few days. Jack said the physical therapist came while he was there but only stayed a short time. I can interject a comment here after talking with Dr. Kahn Wednesday. The therapist are now to have only short sessions with her and trying to achieve her maximum range of motion in her limbs but not to the
point of making her sore. She can have tylenol and she is given this regularly and when needed.
Mom was not eating and or very little and we are addressing this and whether the CPA's are helping her with her meals. Jack called Tuesday night and gave Karen the update on mom.
I had planned to go early Wednesday and possibly visit some skilled nursing facilities but my job took me to Selma, not getting back to Bham until after lunch. I got there about 2:00pm and stayed until after 4:30pm and got to see Dr. Kahn. Katie was her nurse today and she told me overall mom was having a good day. She again had physical therapy, followed by a bath and a shampoo which her CPA said she enjoyed the warm cloth and warm rinse of her hair. I do not remember Wednesday's CPA but she has had mom several days and she is so loving and attentive and caring. The same goes for the RN's especially Katie, Shana, and even Michael, who having caring helped me (and Jack) with mom at every turn.
Mom was antsy and nervous but not in any pain! She settled down as I sat and talked to her about how well she was doing and Jeff and Jack have got you in their care, and we are taking care of everything. I ask her specific questions about how she felt, headache, leg ache, back ache, arm ache, and all came back with a NO. Katie apologized for torturing mom some today as the doctor needed blood drawn and she had tried twice in vain. She did not want mom stuck again so Dr. Kahn had been called and he was on his way.
Dr. Kahn, Katie and I got mom still and calm and i held her hand while Dr. Kahn inserted a needle vertically beneath his index finger on mom's wrist. Within no time, Katie had her three vials of samples. I talked to Dr. Kahn for a time afterwards and he feels mom might be well enough to move to a skilled nursing facility probably next Monday or Tuesday. He said her lungs are clean and much depends on the blood sample results.
When I left mom about 4:30pm, they had given her some tylenol. She was calmer and napping some so I told her bye, kissed her forehead and exited. I wish I could tell you better or more different news but her progress has been and most probably will be slow. How quickly she responds to rehab and can we do this comfortably is our primary condern. I talked to Bobbie this am and we are all pretty much on the same page with mom to now be as comfortable as possible and let's see if she can bounce back after an almost 4 week bout with pneumonia. Keep her in your prayers and I will try to do better in posting news....Sons Jeff and Jack