Dry Eyes Symptom
October 26, 2017
This is a symptom that is annoying to say the least. I have 4 bottles of across the counter meds that help replace the tears and help the eyes replace natural tears. I have 2 bottles made by Baush and Lomb and 2 called Thera Tears. The jury is still out as to which is the better one and the one I will replace.
I have to make an appointment with my eye doctor and she will probably give me some samples and possibly give me also a prescription. I have several doctor appointments I need to make probably starting with a general practitioner to get a good physical. Then we will make some specialist with the exclusion of my cardio and neuro as both of those I have seen currently.
My dentist and my eye doctors are at the top of my list. I believe working on the title of this essay making my eye doctor primary as this is the most uncomfortable symptom to address. I guess my eating will have to wait?
I can address both the above items at the same time as my molars and losing crowns and chewing surfaces need to be done as soon as possible too. Over the last 40 years I have had so many root canals and crowns that they have reached their life span all at the same time. I have saved them and hopefully some can be replaced if only temporarily so I will have better chewing surfaces. Time will tell.
Thanks for reading my epistle and would enjoy some input as to avenues I must take first.
Jeff the Knutt in the Ham (Birmingham) Al, USofA