My Prison Ministry
I have a friend and his first name is John. He made a mistake 8 years ago and is in Elmore CF in Elmore near Montgomery, Al. I worked with John many years with my company and he is a dear friend.
He can call me maybe once a month and I get letters regularly. He has accepted Christ into his life and has put 'all' in God's hands. I send him letters, stamps and maybe a calendar each year but keep his mail box filled with a letter or card regularly.
He has been a good inmate and will soon have a change for a parole hearing. I will find out when it is and there are several of us that have said we would like to speak for him and hopefully his release.
Keep John in your prayers and know he has Jesus by his side and that all is truly in God's hands. I am writing a letter to him today and to let him know I sent some money through the prison so he can buy things he needs in the commissary. I have kept all his letters and hopefully one day soon we can sit down and talk about his future when he gets released...Pray for John in Elmore...please..Jeff