Early am riser


Why is it when you get older you sleep less? It's annoying sometime especially when you have something to do the next day. When your day starts at 4:00am or earlier, it gets a little draggy in the pm when your day starts so early.

Pain plays somewhat of a role, and if you are reading this and under say 60, you don't understand. Pain maintenance with Tylenol or Advil sometimes does not last all night. Slept until 5:30 yesterday but 4:00 on the dot this am, and this body hurting no matter what part touches the bed.

We invested about $3,000.00 in a Thermapedic extended queen size mattress and interspring including having new bed rails made for our Cherry highposter bed. So changing over to a new mattress is or was the thing at the time. Granted it is more comfortable than the old interspring mattress we had but no mattress is perfect at 71, I guess.

Anyway, it is two tylenol this am and trying out the recliner to try to get comfortable. A pillow under my aching back, a large glass of orange powerade and turn on a movie. Now writing this with my laptop in my lap and thinking who might read this. At least it's my way of letting my casual reader about my life. Enjoy and have a wonderful and blessed day. Jeff the knutt in the Ham.

Heil 4 Ton AC/Heat Pump

Dear friends, family and my casual reader,

A small delayed renewal of our home heating and air conditioning. You are looking at a not too small investment but one, that may mean big savings. This is a 4 ton, Heil, called a "Piggyback" Heat Pump system. The furnace is gas and the compressor is electric. But the furnace has also a heat pump which will heat our home when the outside median temperature is above 32F.

The gas furnace changes over to gas only, when gas is the most efficient way to heat. Now you know why it is called a piggyback heat pump, as it encompasses the best of two worlds. But I have only now gotten one month on my electric bill and for the last 30 days, it was about $40.00 less. Lets just hope this is a trend.

If you have a similar system, let me know how yours is performing. Feel free to comment as all are welcome. Jeff the Knutt in the Ham