Clark Reunion-Sugar Mtn., NC

This is just a small sample of some of the family pictures taken at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games this July 21, 22, 2009. It was a great gathering of the Clark's and extended families. We also celebrated the 60th wedding anniversary of Bob and Juanita Clark, Karen's mom and dad.
We rented two homes on Sugar mountain in North Carolina and each home was filled to the brim. It was a fun filled 4 nights and 5 days enjoying families together and getting back in touch with our Scottish friends at the Highland games. Much fun and food was had and enjoyed by all.
We all talked after this one and hope we can do this again next year. If you are of Scot-Irish descent, you would have had a ball with these collective clan and family members. You can see more pictures on Facebook that Jeff and Katie posted. There will probably be more to follow. Enjoy....Jeff