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Don't we all tend to write about the past, sometime a very long time past? I think we all do. This is June of 2019 and I am 81 years old and retired about 5 years after working for over 50. You know it takes a long time to adjust to retirement and of course not working everyday.
I wrote about a very painful time in my life going through a divorce after almost 28 years married to my first wife. I was not looking for anyone when I met Karen but then found out we had so many people directing our lives.
Dr. Hold, Rev. Hanna, and some friends who felt like Jeff needed a life after. Karen was leading a bible study from our church and she was nice, very good looking and single having gone through a divorce a couple of years prior. No details but 2 years later we married and now almost 27 years married. I would never guess someone at 53 finds that special person and we are so, so very happy.
Karen is now too retired and find we can tolerate each other being together all day almost everyday. If you are reading this I thank you for following my rare posts and have a little interest in my post. Writing too is my way of keeping in touch with a very good friend in a correctional facility in Childersburg, Al. He has about 3 years completing a 20 year time being convicted of man slaughter. I get letters from him about once a month giving me an update on his life and maybe a holiday card.
Jeff too has 2 or 3 fountain pens and write him a personal letter by hand giving it a little more personal touch. I told him to let me know when he is up for parole again and I would love to go and speak or vouch for him. I took a course in public speaking to help me in my occupation. I then joined a local public speaking group that met once a week and learning how to hone up that skill of public speaking on the fly and to not be self conscious speaking to a group. You would be surprise how much that helps in varied times you may be called on to do so.
The preacher ask me to do everything for prayer, reading scripture and making announcements. Then my company ask me to speak to groups who ask my company to provide a speaker to a special night. This got to be fun but a little scary at first. But soon I found I could speak without sweating, heart racing and being about to think on your feet before a crowd. Toastmasters was good for me for about 2 years but then my job and a new wife kept me busy.
Comment on my post and I will give you the address of my friend John who would enjoy a letter or card. Thank you for reading this far and I promise to write more frequently. I close wishing each of you to have a blessed ad and remember to keep Christ and Faith in your life.
Jeff the Knutt in the Ham (Birmingham, Al USA)
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