Holiday we call Thanksgiving


I am in a business and holiday's are special to us. It is planning and hectic to say the least. There are always accounts in any business that do not plan ahead and it is now last minute business that causes us much pain.

They are good customers and we bend over backwards to accommodate these last minute needs. It is pain passed around from dept to dept getting these needs met. And we do it every year.

Our salesmen are stretched as to time and trying to be all things to everybody and all at the same time. The customer (see rule #1) is always right and first and we do what is necessary to do a patchwork job of meeting all their last minute needs.

I cannot begin to tell you how the next 5 or 6 days will be right before Thanksgiving. There are only 24 hours in a day and that is not enough. But we
will survive and just hope, just hope the numbers are there so we can survive another year.

We love our customers and having to tell them NO now is hard to do. Sometimes it gets to where we can't fill their order or we are now OUT and somebody gets their feelings hurt. We are just the messengers and we will live to see the sun come up tomorrow.
Are not customers just great?

Blogger Jeff N,

Evan you may read my brief post and then again you may not...I so enjoyed your email and will give you an update shortly..I think of you often and you are truly one of my best friends...Jeff the Knutt in the Ham...humm!