
I am not up on a soapbox.
Let me preface this with some vital information. I grew up in the 40's, and hunted and my father taught me how to use a rifle and handgun safely. I lived in the country (not the city) where everyone had a rifle, a shotgun, and possibly a handgun. I was in the Coast Guard Reserve and trained to use military weapons and qualified shooting the "Navy Qualifying Shooter's Course", scoring 199 with 200 being perfect. I trained other young men in the military how to shoot and carry a gun/rifle safely.
That said...
I would bet no one here has had to have a handgun in their hand out of necessity. I have.
I would bet few here were in the military and trained to safely but effective use a gun. I have.
I would bet none have had a felon try to break-in your home or automobile. I have.
I would bet no one here has been caught in a situation where their life depended on a gun. I have.
I built a home in Bessemer, married, and had two small children. 1:30am my wife wakes me, someone breaking in our home. I put my family in a locked bathroom and just as a drug addict breaks in my front door, he faces me with a 45 automatic. No I did not shoot him but let him flee letting the sheriff and Bessemer policy try to catch him. A gun saved my family.
I was driving home about 11:00pm in the rain and stopped at a traffic light in Midfield. A man with a bat or piece of pipe hit the passenger door of my car, attempting to break the glass. A gun only pointed at him saved my life.
Driving to a customer on Graymont Avenue, I park my car, and just as getting out I hear gun fire. Two drug addicts are firing at each other and I am in the crossfire. My customer is possibly in danger and I am now in his door again with a gun. Having a gun may have saved my life.
I am eating in a restaurant one evening and at the register paying. 4 men come in together wearing long coats (and it is summer). I stepped behind the counter and told the owner at the register to get his gun. Two men, with hands inside their jackets (holding guns)created enough "unknown" to the four now scattered all over the restaurant to now withdraw, passing by right in front of us. Guns (and my training), I know saved our lives.
Every now and then I am accused of preaching against handgun prohibition but you see I have reason to object! A gun too many times has saved my life. Jeff
Now I have had someone break in my home. I live in a middle class bedroom community with that being the last thing on our mind, with most of us leaving doors unlocked with visits between us often.
But 4 weeks ago, the first time both of us away, someone breaks in, ravages my bedroom and living room taking jewelry boxes, medicines, Flat screen/HD TV, my laptop, even the MP3 player attached.
Most things are unreplaceable. They were given to us, inherited, beautiful diamond watch, bracelets, watches, everything.
Insurance will replace some, and now we have a digital security system protecing us 24/7. $1,500 I did not want to spend but sleeping now secure...
More of the story to follow later...J