"I'm 3rd"!
A late night in November in 2008, year of "our Lord".
Somewhere in my archives of time, I read this the title somewhere! But I do now how far back to start looking. I know it was back when I was in college as I had it on a an index card in calligrapy over my desk lamp.
I don't know why this comes to mind at this time but it does. I remember talking to my minister about this and he said "Do you really know what this means, "I'm Third"?
I told him yes, I did but he expounded on the impact this has if you truly believe you are third.
He told me it was a commission I was taking upon myself and it was an important one and one Christ followed. He went on to say "Christ put his Father first, the world second, and He was Third". This caused me to think, would not you?
I knew I was not qualified to even begin to do this in my life. But my minister said that this was man's challenge in life. Sure it sounds good and looks good over your desk, but do you know if you can do this in all things?
It means putting God and Christ foremost in your life. To live each day the best you can to be more like Him. Then you must be selfLESS in all things, putting family, friends, strangers, school friends and then all in your professional life second. Yes, those in need, you have to find that place in your heart to help those people in their role as 2nd in your life.
After everyone else is thought about, cared for, nurtured, then and only then comes ME! It has been since 1960 when I was at the University and I began this journey. Have there been times I failed and felt selfish? Yes! Has there been times I failed in doing my best in all things. Yes! Has there been times I felt so stressed out that I may have said something I shouldn't have! Oh course, yes!
But I have never gotten up in the morning thinking how I can prosper Jeff at someone else's expense! I have never taken advantage of a weaker person, at least not knowingly? I put a question mark there because you don't know that for sure. But may I quote my sweet wife after waking one morning. "I know you have a clear conscious as you drop off to sleep so easily and sleep all night without hardly moving!" I smiled and told her "yes, and a poor man sleeps soundly too as he does not have to worry about losing anything!" We laughted and had coffee together!
Jeff tries today to put his God first, you Second, and then "I am Third". I guess the approaching Christmas caused me to think about what this season is all about. I challenge you to attempt as I have done to put yourself "third". When I stand at the judgement seat, maybe then will I really know that "I did".
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