Nutter Firewood
The above is the fruit of 3 days work at the Nutter home. I had one oak tree to die at the top of my drive plus I removed another that was in my front yard. This tree we determined was about 75 years old and unfortunately was beginning to threaten our home. It took almost 2 days to take down the two trees safely, using a bucket truck and an experienced climber to remove these two trees safely.
We began Friday at 7:00am, worked all day Friday and Saturday and Sunday afternoon after Church. We began splitting these enormous logs Saturday am, having a 26 ton hydralic splitter and me and two other guys got this done by Sunday about 5:00pm. This is less an F150 pickup truck load I gave to a good neigbour's son who is a good friend of mine and my sons. Another Jeff left with a big smile, almost 2/3 of a cord of wood and a "freebee!"...enjoy/Jeff the Knutt in the Ham
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