Conservative View on Obama's Gun Control Record

Sunday 10/19/2008

Dear Friends and family,

Subject: Second Amendment Rights

Do you have any firearm in your home either for protection, hunting, or target practice?
Would you like to keep these and not be subject to prosecution or taxes or controls that reduce or eliminate your having the right to own these?

Looking at some past voting records of our two candidates for President and Commander in Chief of our Military, here below are some of the proposals forwarded and supported by Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. If you agree with some of his and Mr. Kennedy's proposals, well, here are some you may agree with.

Based on past voting record in the Senate, here are 3 of his proposals if we vote him in as Commander in Chief.

1. Prosecute people who use guns (any gun) for self-defense in the home. Obama's vote was "YES"

2. Ban the sale of almost all hunting ammunition. Obama's vote was "YES".

3. Increase taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500%. Obama's vote was "YES".

These are some Illinois and U.S. Senate bills and public record facts that you may want to research as I have and others.

Fact: Obama has supported banning of hundreds of rifles and shotguns used in hunting and sport shooting: ILLINOIS SENATE DEBATE #3: BARACK OBAMA VS ALAN KEYES, 10/21/2004

Fact: Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to put the firearms industry out of business. S.(Senate)397, vote 219, 7/29/2005.

Fact: Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used in hunting and sport shooting. S.397, vote 217, 7/29/2005.

Fact: Obama voted to allow the prosecution of citizens who use a firearm in defense of the home. Illinois Senate, S.B. 2165. 3/25/2004

Fact: Obama supported increasing taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500%. Chicago Defender, 12/13/1999.

The conservative wing of our Congress (and NRA) graded Mr. Obama and his defense of the Second Amendment and his grade was an "F".

I don't know what other opinions and leanings are of Mr. Obama as these have not been revealed in the 3 debates we have seen. Based on past opinions, I leave you to make your choice for Commander in Chief our Country and Armed Forces.

Thanks for reading my research and of course, my opinion of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.

Jeff Nutter, Jr.
Registered Republican
Supporter of our Second Amendment
Owner of several (registered) side arms, 1 rifle, and 1 shotgun
Member of NRA

Blogger Evan Jones

I wanted to weigh in on the Second Amendment post, but I was reluctant to do so at your family site. Also, the important responses there never showed up on Authorized Dealer. The NRA provides an important service when it defends private ownership of weapons. Also, of course, when it teaches people to use those weapons correctly and appropriately. Unfortunately, as the clear misrepresentation of facts and the obviously misleading interpretations of Senator Obama's past record and current beliefs indicate, the political arm of the NRA is more than willing, and has been for some time now, to bend the truth and, let's call a spade a spade, lie for the candidate of its choice. There are many good reasons to vote for or against both candidates in this election, and just as many reasons that are unworthy of mention. As a life-long Democrat and avowed liberal, I suppose I prefer Obama without the need to think much about it. I've never liked McCain, especially when he was young and hawkish and his hair was brown, though I've grown used to him. Still, I try to remain objective in these matters and being a life-long Democrat and not liking McCain doesn't add up to all that much objectivity. When I really think about it, I don't trust or like either of them. Which brings me to the Second Amendment. Almost, anyway. I disagree with conservatives on many issues, but I also agree to disagree once we've stopped arguing. Sometimes I can't keep my mouth shut, but most of the time I'm understanding and polite. What bothers me most about conservatives is not their opinions — I've got just as many crackpot opinions as they have — but their determined belief that laws are laws and that all laws must be followed. When I was young, they used to say, "My country, right or wrong," and I think they said that because they believed it, not just to get my goat. The problem was and is that when my country is wrong, when it takes away my rights, when it deprives me of liberty, even if it does so in the name of Freedom, even if it does so to make me safer, happier, more secure, then the first thing I worry about is this: Do the People have the means and the will to defend themselves? To defend themselves from the laws and forces of their government. Here's a sentence from Wikipedia that should be read and reread:

Codification of the right to keep and bear arms into the Bill of Rights was influenced by a fear that the federal government would disarm the people in order to impose rule through a standing army or select militia, since history had shown taking away the people's arms and making it an offense for people to keep them was the way tyrants eliminated resistance to suppression of political opponents.

The Constitution has nothing whatsoever to say, not that I can find, about hunting or sport shooting. It's a stretch to say that it says anything about protecting your family with a gun against burglars. Yes, we need to eat and yes it is absolutely right to protect our family and ourselves from armed or unarmed intruders, and the NRA is a good source for information in that area, but the guns we really need are the ones that protect us from tyranny. It makes me a little angry when people stand before Congress and say we need our weapons for hunting or target shooting. We need them to be truly free. This liberal Democrat supports the NRA, with reservations, and the Second Amendment, with no reservations at all.

Having opened this can of words, I'll leave you with one additional question to chew on. The Second Amendment was drawn up in an era when guns were the absolute state of the art. Is it possible that we need the equivalent of electronic guns and ammunition to protect ourselves from electronic encroachment, surveillance, profiling, currency? In other words, from Twenty-first Century tyranny?  

Blogger Evan Jones

I hope you realize that this was a friendly comment, even if we differ on a few points, and even if I sometimes suffer from long-windedness. Fortunately for all concerned, I'm not the deciding authority on anything. Also, I should probably mention that little old lady in Kansas who never votes for either side because it just encourages them.  

Anonymous Anonymous

I am here to thank your comment on my blog, thank you for your kind words, and indeed I did not even know English very well, and if you have errors in my grammar sorry, kisses, thank you again, back when =D