Associated Grocers of Alabama Food Show
Above is a picture of my booth at the Associated Grocers of Alabama Semi-annual Food Show at the BJCC (Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center) in Birmingham, Alabama USA. I am the key account manager and represent my company in AG. This is a booking show where we demonstate, show, and sample our product(s) to customers and take booking orders over the next 3 months.
Bertalyn (Birdie) is my demo lady that samples and feeds our customers and unfortunately, lots of the other vendors at the show. We sampled our Smoked Bratwurst, Cheesy Brats, and all Beef and Pork skinless hot dogs. They literally eat us out of house and home. It is hard work but really fun but don't tell my company that as they pay me to do this twice a year.
We just concluded the summer show and I'll have another in January 2009. This was one of the hotest days of this summer, high of 97 and heat index of 105-107 due to high humidity. This keeps customers away and in air conditioning plus $4.00 or almost per gallon for gas kept some distant customers away.
Hope you enjoy my pictures and I'll try to post some others....Jeff the Knutt in the Ham ;)
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