Possible Contract on 513
Wednesday 2/20/2008
Well, I get a phone call at 10:00am this morning. It is one of my agents and they have a possible contract on the sale of the house. Is that not fast?
I mentioned earlier, these 2 agents have only had the contract on the house for less than a week. She told me yesterday that the family was going to the bank to see if they qualified for a loan, and apparently they do. They would not call me with a proposal, would they, if the people did not qualify?
Keep your fingers crossed as Jack and I are going to 513 Alice Street and meet the agents there to look over the proposal. Hopefully they are not low balling us just to see just how low we will go?
I will post some news later tonight or tomorrow. Wish us luck...
Jeff the Knutt in the Ham
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