February 2, 2008
Dear friends and family,
How many of you have lost things and beat your brains out trying to figure out where you lost or misplaced? I had something happen over 2 months ago that I felt I would find over time but after much distress, I wrote it off.
I use(d) a Sony 1 Gig Flash drive with my laptop to keep and transfer files and pictures and personal information back and forth from one laptop to the other or take ad information to my warehouse. I had over a year's collection of 'stuff' when one day in December, on about the 5th, it turned up missing. Ugggghh!
I had been to my warehouse, picked up something at the smoke shop in Hoover, visited some friends there and sat on a deep leather sofa enjoying my premium cigar of choice and drinking a diet Coke. When the drive turned up missing, I immediately called all the places I had been and to let me know if something like this turned up in their lost and found department.
Several days later, I visited my warehouse again and the smoke shop and went through the sofa I sat on several days prior and flipped the cushions looking, what I thought was pretty thoroughly. But nothing found, not even a coin or two.
Weeks then months passed and still no luck. I looked at Best Buy and replaced this lost drive with a 2 gig Sandisk and bought Karen and 1 gig for work and my loading pictures we take or you guys share from time to time. I think I really gave up any hope of this lost drive ever showing up until yesterday.
I went by my favorite smoke shop Friday, made a small purchase, and again picked out a different brand of $4.50-$5.50 cigar, and purchased my regular diet Coke and walked in the back. The smoke shop is a partner ship with several owners and one I had not seen in sometime spoke up as soon as I arrived.
"Hey Jeff, have you lost something recently?" "Yes, a Sony Flash Drive". Dave then said "I think I have what you are looking for...He left, walked up front and viola, he handed me my lost drive. Thanks! Dave said he had not seen me and found it in the sofa I described earlier.
Today is Saturday and I looked at the date on one of the excel files and the latest date was 12/2/2007 and today is 2/2/2008, two months lost. I am really happy about this as I really had some personal letter, but not risky stuff that someone might use to steal my identity, which was my worse fear.
If you use a drive like this, make sure you do not have your log on names, password, bank statements, or especially social security numbers that someone might use to steal your identity. I only put the last 4 digits on anything I mail as I make the receiptient look up my social security number I have on file with them.
I'll take a little luck anytime over being not so very smart sometimes. Thank goodness a friend and professional found this and knew immediately who it be belong to. Thanks Dave and Marvin and John as I enjoy your shop and now even more.
If you are in Birmingham next Friday, they have a major cigar manufacturer representative there from 4:00pm to 8:00pm and FREE cigars and wine and finger food. I plan to be there as that is my usual afternoon I have some time.
Jeff the Knutt
PS: As I was leaving, UPS had just delivered a large box and John was putting this away. It contained the FREE cigars for next Friday so come and enjoy with us.
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