Edna May Oliver aka Nutter
August 16, 2007
Where have you been Jeff, it has been a time since your last post? Busy, busy, busy! Currently avoiding the 9th day of over 100 degree Fahrenheit in Birmingham, Alabama. We are in a 'bake' mode here as we are 10's of inches below normal rainfall and our ground is so dry, the heat each day is like being in a bake oven.
I was watching the news last night and we are in number 4 in a scale of 5 in drought condition. No watering of yards, no car washes except the commercial ones that recycle or filter their used water for reuse. The grass is dying, and we can hand water or well the odd addresses on Mondays and Thursdays with a huge fine on auto sprinklers the cops find running. Then their is a surcharge on your bill if your 1,000s of gallons goes over #12. I am currently using in the 4-6 range and my bill for using less than 1/2 what the average user's bill is almost $60.00/month and this includes sewer charges.
I am staying in as much as possible, being 69 years young, avoiding this extremely high temp. I went to work Tuesday and ended the day with all my clothes going into the closes hamper truly damp. The humidity is so high here the sweat does not evaporate readily accenting the 'heat index' you are exposed to. The index was approximate Wednesday was 115F with no breeze and all A/C and fans working overtime just to keep your home in the 80F range. I don't even wnat to know what my power bill will be this month!
Oh, about Edna May Oliver, the actress in Little Women in the 30's was a Nutter and changed her last name to Oliver for theater purposes. She was in movies as a support actor in films of the 20s, 30, and early 40s playing mostly support role but character roles that made her stand out in her films. She was not on the pretty side, but a longer, slender face, with much desired in the beauty catagory. But I was watching the original Little Women on the Turner Classic Movies and loved her character and performance.
She says in her bio that she traces her ancestry back to John Quincy Adams, our 2nd president of the US. Am I related to her? Who knows. But I have looked up her bio on one of the movie data bases and well may be. I guess all us Nutters are related someway or another and I found this, if only one thing, interesting she is a Nutter.
I miss Evan and Amie and others greatly. My kind reader, please feel free to post on my reply and let me know how you are doing. I'll cut this off here and hope to get some feed back from my readers and now let me turn my fan on HIGH! Hugs, Jeff the Knutt in Vestavia Hills, Al, just a stones throw from Birmingham. Jeff
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