Accidents can happen,,,well it was an accident!
Thursday 7/6/2007
I had to work all day Thursday, suppose to be training a new salesman working my warehouse in Birmingham. My salesman comes down with a cold and broncitus and I worked the warehouse alone as usual.
My business at the offices came off OK with no hitches then my job then is to get a refrigerator coat, and take a look at our inventory in their coolers and freezer. That too came off with very little problem but I soon had to talk to our receiving clerk who checked in my last trailer. This is where the story begins....or I should say ends.
There are two lady receiving clerks and both are less than 1/2 my age and I must say, being honest, they are quite attractive. Today it was Jessica, a tall brunette, blue eyes, and built like a brick shipyards. Jessica was at the end of her shift, and she was getting out of her insulated gear as we were speaking.
I don't know how red my face became but soon my eyes fell on,,,,well breasts, almost falling out of her blouse. It 'appeared' she worked without a brassiere and in taking off her coat, and talking to me, she either did not (or did) become aware of what all was hanging out. She was looking at me in the eye and I started motioning upward on my chest, trying to signal her of 'my' dilema.
I continued to look her in the eye as she leaned over pulling off the insulated pants with 'almost' all her femine attributes out for me to see? She then stood up, then seeing my discomfort, smiled and pulled her buttons closed on the blouse. I think back too many years ago, this gal I would have catogorized as a 'sweater girl'.
How did it end! After Jessica covered everything, she smiled and came over to whisper in my ear. You are never too old to appreciate them. Agreed!
"Red Faced" but still Jeff. Whew!
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