DSL Wireless
I am sure the reader has had to switch ISP and set up new equipment from time to time. I was or have been so lucky as my old ISP and my equipment did suffice for several years with only mild amendments.
But times and demands have changed and opportunities abound in getting up to speed with the information superhighway. But can Jeff step out in faith and unplugged all the stuff that 'works' and try something new.
What is new? New laptop, New printer/scanner/copier/fax, New ISP, New Wireless network, and new software to install. Overpowering to say the least.
But...after 2 or 3 days, everything is up and running flawlessly with help in the manner of 2 phone calls to the new ISP/DSL help desk who walked me through the entire setup process. Now they send a techie to check me out and he spends maybe 5 to 10 minutes at my desk and comments " and you did all this without help?"...Yep!
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I was either lucky or good and it really does not matter which. I am happy and I am on the internet...Double Yeah!!
Roll Tide/Jeff
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