Stress, Medication and Insomnia
Now where do I start here? I have less stress in my life than I used to have! I have less medication or a change in my medication that should upset my sleep patterns? That said, "I have slept fitually, waking several times during the night and waking with a feeling of something is wrong or about to happen?"
I take two medications for a childhood problem I have had all my life. The doctor has adjusted the medication recently but the transition has seemed 'seamless'. He has substituted one med for another that seems to be working OK. But am I having a reaction to the new drug?
Stress could be my mom and I accept that. My marriage is wonderful and we just celebrated our 14th anniversary with our love greater than ever. Karen has been my rock of a foundation in life who takes me as I am as I do her. So many people try to change their partner in life, but this I promise you, is a losing proposition. We must marry our 'best friend' as we do this for life! My partner reaches over in bed during the night and just 'touches me' to tell me in her sleep, that I am OK. Nice.
My money is in good shape and we will have our mortgage paid off next year and that will give this family almost an additional 800 of disposable income each month. We will still have insurance and taxes but I have taken that into consideration. I figure roughly that our taxes and insurance will be about $200 @ month, a breeze. I am going to insist on Karen going out and getting her a new 4 door Honda Civic, if that is what she wants. She is driving her 1991 Civic with less than 100K on it and as she says "Jeff, I love my little car and there is nothing wrong with it!" I don't want or need a new car! It looks like I am going to have to take it away from her!!!!
Meds, money, personal, mortgage and oh, yes, no credit card debt! Spirtual, that too is OK, with Jeff being the lay leader in March. What is a lay leader? He is the he or she that does the announcements and reads the scripture and leads the reponsive reading in the earliest part of the church service. I have public speaking experience and have done this before, so I know this is not a point of stress or concern! I am really looking forward to this as Karen has promised to go to church every (or almost) every Sunday so I will see her face there.
If you have some suggestions to help me now with my sleep problem please feel free to write below. I usually fall asleep within 5 minutes after hitting the pillow but not now for some reason? I am cutting down on any caffiene after 4:00pm so I will know this is not a factor. Have a wonderful day.
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