Midgie at Ashton Gables Feb. 5, 2006
February 6th, 2006: Monday am
Dear family and friends,
Good Monday morning everyone! Sunday was a busy day as usual. Jack and Vicki went to see mom Saturday and they called me from the living room at Ashton Gables. Jack said mom was fine, color great, stronger, and they were having a great visit.
I saw mom Sunday afternoon after SS and Church and checking on 513 Alice Street. The house was fine, 2 bills, and her Western Star. I finish there as quick as possible and headed toward mom and Ashton Gables. I got there about 1:45pm and I had some Ensure in the trunk plus a clean outfit for her.
Mom was sitting in her room watching TV and going through the cards you folks and friends have sent her. She startled me a bit, as she stood up right away as if she was going to walk across the room and meet me. This is great! Her strength is returning and her wanting to walk and/or exercise is returning.
She did not have on an apron and she wanted one. She had on her lipstick, a purple and gray striped outfit and looked real good. I ask her if she wanted the pimento and cheese sandwich I brought her for a snack. Later. But...I was putting some Ensure in her frig and she did want one of those.
I got her a straw and a napkin and she slurped this 8oz. down in a Hollywood minute. If looking for her aprons, they are in the cabinet above the frig to the right. It took a while to find them. We soon were packed up to go and sit and visit in the living room. Mom walked the 100 to 150 feet without any problem. She sat on the sofa and we soon got a picture book off the wall and flipped pages together. It was a picture book of two years ago and an outing plus some picture made valentines day. They were fun to look at with mom.
It was coming up on 3:00pm and I told her goodbye and a promise to come back tomorrow. I wanted to try something new and that was to "tell her goodbye" and she how she handled it. We had to just slip away in the recent past as it upset her so much when we left. But today, she did fine. She told me to tell Karen that she loved her and today she did not have any problem with names and who was who, a nice event.
Several ladies came and sat with and around us while I was there and she talked to Gloria. I left the two ladies talking and they seemed happy. It was a good visit and mom appears much improved but weight is still a challenge. Keep mom and all the extended families in your prayers and can we talk?
Son Jeff
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