Barbara Guyton, Her Story

Wednesday January 11, 2006: 6:30am

Dear Friends and family,

*Below is an email from Barbara Guyton about Billy Northcutt and Sherry and Midgie! Bobbie thought you might enjoy her comments and updates...Read on...

Have had such a nice day today...talked with Sherry & Billy and they both were feeling good. They had had showers and were waiting for the therapist to help Billy gain more strength in his legs.. He is so much better than the last couple of months and his voice was almost back to normal because his strength is better.

Went to Ashtone Gables to see Midgie . Got there about 2:30 and when I knocked and went into her room she was seated on the loveseat very busy with something she had been seeing to. She was glad to see me and I was so glad to see her. She looked lovely in a suit I had not seen before..pants with mingled colors of. dark green & brown as well as I can remember, and a dark green matching top and matching scarf round her neck tied in front. Her mirror was near by and she picked it up to check her lipstick that was perfect.

Several of the staff came in and she was so friendly with them and they complimented her saying how sweet she is. Fiona came in about when I was leaving, they were all going to the living room for activites. Midgie was ready to go, I put a little blush on her cheeks and brushed her hair in sorta page boy style and she looked beautiful. I could'nt leave until I sat with them and heard Fione read a story about family, especially a Father. I got a cup of fresh coffee and enjoyed the time.

Fiona asked if anyone wanted to tell anything about their Fathers and I said to Midgie, Tell them about our Daddy and she said , with gusto, that he was so wonderful and a good man and made all our lives happy..I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!
She did not want me to go but I didn't make a big deal of it and she told me how much she loved me and we hugged. I slipped away.

It was a wonderful visit, the best in some time. By the way, she pointed out her pictures on the wall to me for the first time, she seems so at home. Looked at a calendar from Jason's family. I wished for one. It is darling. Quickly let me say that Fiona said Midgie was queen of the exercise Class. When Midgie said to the group that she was 91 years old, they all gasped in disbelief.

Love, Bobbie

P>S> I left her in the living room, contented.