Midgie at Meadowood Monday October 31st, 2005

*Good morning to my readers. I apologize for my lack of vartiety in my posts but mom is foremost in my mind right now and her care falls into my reponsibility as her primary caregiver and #1 Son. Well, maybe not #1 but I was born first. OK...read on and I will try to post some lighter reading soon. Jeff

November 1, 2005

Midgie at Meadowood Monday October 31st, 2005

I will start this update by saying Rebecca, who normally sits with mom on Sunday and Monday, is off with some cataract surgery. Peggy is off on Sunday and Monday, so it falls on us to help mom during the last two days. First off, she is OK; safe is the key word in anyone’s care with dementia at any degree.

I hope you read about Sunday as she had a busy day with Jack Nutter, Bobbie and me there at 403A. She had a good day. Monday I have to work for Zeigler in the morning and sometimes into the early afternoon on Monday. But I was able to get away from the phone, computer, fax, and reports by 10:30/11:00am. I have not showered or shaved and now getting ready to go to Bessemer. I can get ready in about 45 minutes but have done it in less.

I went by her house and checked her mail and paper and checked on everything there. I changed all the lighting, fixed 3 chicken salad sandwiches, cleaning up the bowl I prepared Sunday while Jack Nutter and Bobbie were at Meadowood. I had my lunch at mom’s as it was now about 1:00/1:30pm. If you are visiting mom, I try to keep fresh chicken salad, a pack of Zeigler thick bologna, and a 4oz. package of cooked ham so we can fix a sandwich, take a break, wash clothes if needed and a little TV in the background to entertain you.

I got mom an extra pillow and pillow case from home so she can sit up more easily in bed or in her chair and packed up her sandwich and a 4 pack of butterscotch pudding which she loves. I got to Meadowood and got a black marker and put this bag with the eats for mom in their frig, but you must put 403 on it so they will not throw it away. I bought 2 qt. of milk yesterday and that is marked and there for her.

Mom was sitting in her wheelchair next to her bed and I wanted to go to the recreation area so we could visit and talk and watch TV if you want to. I got to talk to her day shift RN, the speech therapist, and the coordinator that helps the family decide where do we go from here! We have a family meeting planned for Thursday morning at 10:00am. I called Jack and we may change this to early pm if we can. But, they told me this has to be done on the 7-3 shift and these are the primary caregivers, doctors, and RNs that make the decisions on mom’s care. Will let you know how this comes out. I also met with a social worker that wanted to see if mom could get out of a chair by herself and into the wheelchair without any help. We tried 2x while I was there and she still cannot?

The big question now is can mom get up out of a chair, or bed and onto a walker and help herself around the house and to the bathroom SAFELY? Right now, today, the answer is NO! I stayed until 6:00pm and until she started her dinner and got to see the big picture, measuring all I see against all my memories of the last years, or months, or days at 513 Alice Street. I am still praying she will get stronger but she is not there YET?

Action needed: I don’t know right now. We have the meeting Thursday and Karen said she will take off to be there. I hope Jack and Bobbie can be there as this is really important for Midgie, mom, aunt, and grandmother and great grandmother. Keep all of us in your prayers.

Peggy is there today and she will pick up the laundry I did at 513 last night. I ask Peggy to make some fresh chicken salad and she will make sandwiches for mom and for Judy her room mate. Judy is good in communicating for mom and what all has transpired over the last day or two. Mother did sleep all night last night, I believe a first.

News at 11:00!

Jeff and Dad and A.K.A. grandpa Jeff