Mitchell Brock Nutter, Great-Nephew

October 8, 2005, Saturday 7:00am CDT,

Mitchell Brock Nutter is my brother Jack Nutter's first and only grandson. Brock is Jack's son married to Jamie Mitchell from Brantlyville, Alabama. They had only been married 11 months when Mitchell came into their lives. He is now 7 1/2 weeks old but had started experiencing some problems keeping his formula and milk down. It took two or three weeks for a nurse visiting Brock and Jamie to accurately diagnose Mitchell's problem.

Once this happen, the doctor at Children's Hospital here at the UAB Medical Complex, had Mitchell in a room and scheduled for surgery to remove or release some blockage in his lower intestine. I have a small family website called Nutter-Northcutt on MyFamily. com. Below are some of the early entries and comments as Mitchell came through this. Read on!

Jeff Nutter, Jr. - Oct 7, 2005 View | Edit | Delete | Viewers
Categories: Mitchell Brock Nutter Mitchell is doing fine after surgery!

Mitchell had some surgery yesterday October 6th, 2005, to remove some blockage in his lower intestine. This was done through his navel and a small incision on his side. The operation was done about 2:00pm Thursday and Jack called me about 3:00pm and told me he came through fine.

Karen and I were there early am Thursday and we called Barbara, Jamie's mom, about 6:00pm and Mitchell was to get his first bottle in about 33 hours. They had him on an IV when we were there to replace some potassium and get him OK for this surgery.

When we called all the main characters, mom and dad Jamie and Brock were asleep as were grandparents Jack and Vicki. All had been up pretty much all the night before the operation.

The Nutter-Mitchell family thanks all for your prayers and support. Hopefully Mitchell will go home today Friday or early Saturday.

Read what others had to say:

Teresa Mitchell - Oct 7, 2005 Edit | Delete | Viewers | Reply to this item This was done at Children's Hospital, right? My children have been there several times, for various things, mostly Asthma treatments for Marc. It is a wonderful hospital. Mitchell is in the best of care, he will be fine, I am sure.


Jeff Nutter, Jr. - Oct 7, 2005 Edit | Delete | Viewers | Reply to this item I talked to Barbara Mitchell, Jamie's mother early this morning, Friday October 7, 2005. She was holding Mitchell and I could hear him 'cooing' as we were speaking. He had his first bottle at 7:00pm, Thursday night and she said he slept and took 3 or 4oz, every 2 to 3 hours all during the night. And...with no bad results or bubbling up as he was experiencing.

Barbara said if everything goes according to plan, Mitchell and family will be going home about mid-day, today Friday October 7th. I called Karen and told her of the good news but had to work today (not usually) and I had little time to calling or writing. Hope this finds everyone well, and yes, Terri, they found Children's Hospital to be just GREAT. Thanks to all for their prayers and concern....Great Uncle Jeff