Midgie at Meadowood 10/28/2005
October 29, 2005: Saturday 8:00 am
Good morning family! Peggy went about 1:00pm Friday and I got there about 2:30 pm after getting her mail and neating up her house and bringing some new pants x 3 from Walmart Karen got for her.
She has plenty of tops but was running short of matching or contrasting pants to wear to P/T, Church, Bingo, and other activities at Meadowood. The speech therapist came late Friday and we addressed mom's hearing. She refuses to wear her hearing aids but really needs them now more so than ever. Mother complains about the 'noise' she hears when she has them in her ears. The hearing aids amplify everything, including noise and sounds you would normally ignore or tune out. But she would choose the quiet of some partial deafness to hearing all the noise, a 90 year old thing.
I or we are trying to convince her that she needs them to understand people when they talk to her or listen to the sermon at Church there in the parlor. There is entertainment, music, singers, etc who come on weekends especially that mom needs to hear! I am taking the hearing aids back to her today or Sunday and we will see again how she fares with them.
Another note of big time interest. Ms Rebecca has some eye surgery scheduled for early Monday am, so mom will not have the benefit of Peggy nor Rebecca Sunday and Monday. I have double covered mother the last two weeks there with familar faces to assist her to get her back as far as she can come. Next week will tell the tale. Jack and I and Bobbie will have to decide just where mom needs to be to be 'safe'. I don't know if going back to 513 Alice Street is an option right now. We may, may, move her to another health care facility, a little less expensive and more family oriented with nicer rooms and less noise. Keep in touch.
I may not go out there today, Saturday 10/29/2005. Peggy will be there at about 1:00pm and I did laundry at mom's Friday night and Peggy will dry this and take to mom so she should be fixed with clean clothes and pajamas for the weekend.
Keep mom and all of us Nutter/Northcutt family in your prayers. We are at another cross roads for mom so pray we make the right decision for her and that she remains 'happy'.
Son Jeff
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