Divitulitis 101
It is Jeff and he is BACK! Well...back to some degree? I have had two bouts with this little problem two times in about 5 years and what kicks it off is probably not eating like the doctor ordered.
If you don't know anything about this problem, it is small indentions or kinks in your personal plumbing that does not like anything hard to digest. I have been done in by nuts in cookies, pear peelings, peanuts where they should not be, and other? If I stay with home cooked food, less process food, I am much better off.
I will not make this one boring as it happens to all folks, any age, but hits some of us in our 50's and 60's when our digestive systems slow down a bit and we don't get as much exercise as we should. The doc said I "may" have had this all my life but I was moving too fast to have it give me any problem. But I think he is only guessing!
They ran a bunch of very personal tests back a few years ago to rule out any big time problem. It is funny how they do all this and only afterwards do they give you anything for pain. I told the doc after both attacks that the pain med was so good..."Can I have two of those to GO!" You talk about a feel good, giddy high, they have some pain med that makes Jim Beam look like Koolaid. Kidding. I know the stuff is habit forming and they give you enough for maybe 3 days and that's it and NO REFILLS.
Anyway, Jeff's plumbing is now quiet and I am working coffee back into my morning regime. I really missed my coffee as it really did not taste good for several days. Ah, but now, it taste like nectar! I fixed 12 cups this morning of Folger's french roast and Karen and I are working on our second cups as we speak.
Thanks for caring about my absence...as I missed you guys and gals too. The computer now is getting some exercise it (and I) have missed the last 10 days or so. Enjoy the day HE has given each of us,,, and can we talk....Jeff
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