May 1st Children's Sabbath
If you visit my site you know the 1st Presbyterian Church in Bessemer is my home church and plays a big part in my life. This last Sunday was special, very special in building some very nice memories and reminding me of memories of too long ago. I raised two boys in this church and Sunday was the "Children's Sabbath".
The youngest to the oldest all took part in the entire service. The children's choir opened the service accommpanied by our 5 octive handbell choir. Their little sweet voices rang out not the least bashful in standing before the congregation. It began with two children lighting the candles on the alter table. Then a child lead the congregation in an opening prayer. Two other young people did the annoucements sharing this part of the opening of our service.
I am an usher the month of May and we had 4 young people with us to mentor as they served as usher. Two other young men in the cutest suits served as greeters welcoming everyone into the church. The young usher handed out the bulletins and each wore the buttoniers that the adult ushers would normally wear. I was fortunate enough to make that decision and what a good one it was. You should have been there to see their faces when I pinned that red carnation on their shirt, sweater, or suit. They were so proud.
The four assigned ushers stood behind the youngesters when we went down to take up the offering. The had watched this done before and all I did was stand behind my young man and give him support and guidance. They did fine and at the end walked ahead of us to the alter table to dedicate these offereing to God. They returned to the rear of the church just as instucted but were glad it was over and they ran to the pews were they joined their family.
It was a nice experience to be there that Sunday to be a part of our future church. The young people are so important to train and teach as God instucted all of us to do. He also said to be careful not to let one of these little ones to stumble. I hope HE is smiling right now at our effort this last Sunday. I can only hope so!
What a wonderful story. Years ago I attended a similar service at a friends Lutheran church. She had two children who were going to be active in the service and wanted to show them off to me. It made me think that having children participate in every service wouldn't be such a bad idea. I attended services from time to time at another friend's Catholic church and was amazed to see that people hauled their kids and babies in almost like church was a picnic. When the babies cried, everyone just accepted it. Children are, as you say, the future and should not be excluded. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful memory.