Spring Cleaning, Garage That Is!
It is funny what they say about us Americans. We put our junk in the garage and leave our car or cars out in the weather and it or they are the second biggest investment we have. I am guilty! Two marriages, three kids who believed dad's and mom's garage was a perpetual storage no cost facility for their stuff. Some even hauled their stuff here in a truck to put in dad and mom's garage.
I look at my new(er) car and the Uhaul boxes and varied storage boxes in my garage and it is what do I do with all this stuff? It is childhood, school papers, books, plywood projects, bicycles, stove, couch...other. I called "Hannah Home" that helps all kind of folks in need and they got a shipload of stuff from the Nutter's garage. It was a godsend to get this stuff no body had looked at or used in over 10 years and I know will never miss it!
I am just about there on freeing up one side of the garage for the Ford Taurus. I still have some other boxes to go through that just need organizing and put on the new shelving I have installed on the other side. I hope I have more time today or at least this weekend to get this completed and the junk out of the way. It is amazing the things we save and think are important at the time but really are not.
Cleaning out your garage is like keeping house. It is a thankless job that no one notices until it is not done. This post will be short and if I don't post anything for the next day or two, you will know whare to find me. Now where is that box of large leaf and trash bags. I need about 5 to fill and drag to the curb to be picked up TODAY!...Jeff Nutter, working in my garage at home!
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