NICE! Too much LIKE me!
I open my blogspot this morning and there I am looking back at myself sitting here. Amie, you did a good, no great job of creating the "jeff" character.
This will now encourage me to do some writing when so inspired. I have been dealing with some neck pain that kinda gets your whole attention right now and makes being funny or incisive a little hard to do.
I was talking with a customer on the phone yesterday and he said I did not sound like myself? I told him I had just gotten home from the doctor and he had wrenched my neck around a little too much to my liking, but had to find what my limitations were. He went to his Rx cabinet on the way out and he gave me 6 magic pills for pain but warned me not to partake until I got home. If you will not tell anyone, I took one about 1/2 way home and was feeling pretty good when I pulled to the top of the driveway.
I apologize for rambling this am, but still not comfortable but felt an obligation to get something written this morning. Yes, Amie, I have my cup of French Roast Coffee and drinking it from a special cup. Karen and I were in Jackson, MS and had coffee at the CUPS, an expresso cafe. It too was a delicious memory! Karen was teaching a class for the bank in Jackkson, and I went over for a day and night to be with her the week she was away. That too is a nice memory!
I am sitting here this morning listening to my country music station and do enjoy it. I gave up on popular music when rap and that language invaded those stations. I too enjoy my classic music on PBS radio and jazz on UAB's station here in Birmingham. Diverse taste in music, yes!
Wish me luck today having an MRI on this neck this am at 10:45am. I am p***** off at one imaging company that did an MRI back on 7/10/2002. I called them to get the film or digital image for a baseline for Dr. Swillie and they cannot find it? Does this only happen to me. I will not go into detail of this as this will be the basis of another story, OK.
World, good morning! God loves me and let me open my eyes this morning. Thank you God and Jesus! Pain, I can take that, I can take anything. It makes me realize how alive I am! I am not getting up on my religious applebox this morning but each should thank Him in his own way of all they have, be it small or much. We are all blessed. Try counting your blessings on one side of a page and your woes on the other and you will be pleasantly surprised!
A wonderful Good Friday to ALL! Jeff "the new image" Nutter.
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