Horizonal Files, My Life!!!
I cannot see the top of my desk. Bank statements, check stubs, receipts, Rx receipts, business cards, coupons, and on and on. What happen to this orderly person sitting at the computer this morning. Something has got to give here!
The keyboard to my laptop is in the middle of the mess and I cannot find a clear spot to put anything! This now has me depressed now and I have got to do something.
I will not turn on the computer this morning! I will turn on my radio and start sorting this 2 or 2 1/2 month mess. Now where is my waste basket.
Why do I save some coupon I will never use? 2 and 3 week old price list are shingled in with my paid receipts and unopened envelopes from Citibank that need shredding. Check receipts for my salary, recipts from my interest checks from the banks from the CD's I have. How did I let this get so high that pieces are about to fall in the floor? I really don't know.
My life has been in somewhat of a uproar the last 2 months and has just now begin to return to some simbilance of normalcy. I have migraines and they went crazy on me for a time that it made it hard to think. Then an old neck or whip lash injury flares up and it is in and out of the doctors office and 6 chiropractic visits that I am not sure made much difference. Then the primary caregiver for my mom, her son Michael gets shot, not once, but twice. I lose her services for 3 weeks and you can guess who fills in the blanks, oui!
I am not complaining, just trying to figure out where all my time has gone and where I spent it! Then Karen has her pinched nerve in her neck to give her trouble again, so it is taking her to and from MCE (Medical Center East) to see her orthopedic surgeon. She is better but not the best,,,at least not yet!
The phase that comes to mind right now is "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play!" That has been me the last 2 months or so. Hanging in there! Now where are my car keys? Jeff
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