Keep Doing Your Thing....
Are you a big believer in your horoscrope? I read mine mostly for entertainment as most folk do. My horoscope last Friday stated that I should continue doing things my way, even if they sometimes do not seem right to the observer. That day, it said I would soon be recognized for the things I had done and to be patient. Hummm.
The Zeigler Company I work for had a general sales meeting this last Saturday. We went over our numbers for this last fiscal year, what we did right and wrong. The emphasis was on using Neilson reports and our market figures in our ad presentations. I think all of us learned much this last Saturday.
After a nice lunch together, we closed our meeting with awards based on longevity and performance for this last year. Mr. Harmon began recognizing sales people with 10 and 20 and 30 years with the company. I was sitting in my chair, really thinking about the nice meal we had just had and about what I had to do that pm to take care of my mom.
My name? Huh? "Jeff Nutter has worked for the company 45 years and will you please come up on the stage and be recognized". I got up there, or someone told me I did, and got the nicest 45 year plaque from the company signed by Mr. W. Lackey Stephens, President. Nice! They took my picture with the GSM (general sales manager) Mr. Barry Harmon, and I am sure that picture has a surprised look on my face.
I got back to my desk and got seated good with handshakes along the way. Mr. Harmon continued to talk about the next award called the "T. A. Payton" Sales Excellence Award. I was too busy admiring the 45 year plaque that I don't recall what he said about the person getting the highest sales award the company gives.
Mr. Harmon got to the end of his description when he said something that went off in my head..."and this man is the most thorough, most detailed, and the best at communicating with our sales staff of anyone we have...and he has worked for the company 45 years". "Jeff, will you please come back up to the front and receive the T. A. Payton award".
I know my body got me up there and I do remember saying something to Mr. Harmon and all the salesmen about not feeling worthy of this award. But I would try to live up to the standard set by Mr. T. A. (Slim) Payton who I was fortunate to have worked with in Bessemer and in Birmingham. Mr. Harmon asked "Did we surprise you?"....
They did, as I had no earthly idea I was getting this! I am still numb from this last Saturday and Karen compared this to Amsouth Bank's Executive Sales Award. I am still in awe of this! Maybe it will sink in later....Having worked with Mr. Payton for about 40 years, this really means much to me! There are 7 other names on the cup and mine now is one among some very good men!
Thanks Mr. Stephens and Mr. Harmon! I hope to live up to expectation and the high standards Mr. Payton set for all of us! Jeff Nutter, Jr.
What a wonderful story. I have known you only through your posts and emails, but I feel very strongly that the person I know as Jeff Nutter deserves every bit of the recognition he has just received. Congratulations.
Evan Jones
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