6th day of Bad Cold
I take Centrum multi vitamins religiously. I have had my flu shot. I use the sanitation dispenser in the supermaket to wipe the buggy handles. I have stayed away from doctors offices and large congrations of folks. But there was or is a cold germ out there with my name on it.
I imagine being on top of the ferris wheel and it is Dirty Harry aiming that 44 magnum at me. Blam! The strongest, 'bad-est' handgun in the world. Bingo, that cold germ got me just like Dirty Harry shot the villain off the ferris wheel. You cannot escape Dirty Harry.
Rest, a broad spectrum antibiotic, cold medicine, lots of fluids and still feel like I have been run over. Did anyone get that license plate? Loving wife had fed me hot soup, lots of juice and whole clementines. The cold should run like a deer with it's eyes caught in headlights. But not this bugger!
I have to work today if I want a payday next week. It is 21 degrees and ice on the wind shield of the car. Where is my car coat? Crap, I can see it hanging in the back window of the car! And it will be cold as you know what. I have to go get it and let it warm up in the house before I can put it on. And Karen made me a matching scarf to wear with it.
OK, it is 7:00am and time to get the coat, shave, shower and get dressed. My little sweet heart is off today, a hold over vacation day from 2004. She is sleeping in this am so I am tippy toeing around so as not to wake her. Oh, I have already waked her once, forgot she was off and had her coffee for her. Yes, only then, only then, was I reminded she was off.
I will post again to AD if I survive the day....sniff, sneeze, wipe, snurf. Love that cold!
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