Midgie's 90th Birthday Week
Her name is Mildred. I call her mom or mother and sometimes my Midgie. When one of her brothers was growing up, he could not pronounce Mildred and somehow in a child's vernatular, it came out Midgie. This stuck and even today there are cousins and nephews and grandchildren that call her Midgie. They too heard the older cousins and brothers and sister call her Midgie so here we are at 90, and it is still Midgie.
She had and is having a wonderful week with her birthday spreadout over the entire week. The cards began coming in on Monday and still continue. She has had visits from her brother Jimmy and sister Barbara. Yesterday was Jim and Goldie, my in-laws, that she has not seen in a number of years. The phone calls are really too many to number. She had calls from her brothers and so many of my cousins and my son Jason (I believe) as the caregiver said the voice sounded like mine...
Mom has mid advanced diminsia and only remembers selectively. I have told friends and family about this and how difficult it is for mom to remember some people and some detail that they would expect mom to remember. But she does, but maybe not while you are talking to her! She will be talking to me the next hour or next day or next week and begin to tell me some details about a particular phone call and that in her mind it was just a few minutes ago. She will even argue over when she talked to someone when "I" know it was "last Wednesday". I just say "OK, mom and let her go on with her story".
She is 90 and I don't think I will make it that far. I tell her she is shooting for a 100 now and I want her picture on the Smuckers jelly jar on the Today show when Willard Scott tells about all the folks that are celebrating their 100th birthday or more. OK, mom, the ball is in your court. If you caregivers don't wear out and we can hold on for another 10 years, I KNOW you can. I am looking forward to the journey and so should YOU!...Jeff
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