17° in Birmingham
Brrrr....Did someone say Brrrr. My first question to myself this am is why did I not get the garbage up last night and roll the buggy to the street? I knew there was an artic blast in the forecast! I am or was too warm and too cozy to get this done but why?
We are creatures of habit and I traditionally do not do this the night before. Now I am paying the price for my bad habit. I turn on the radio in my office and the announcer is saying 17° this morning and a high of 31°. It is really not going to get very warm today at all in good old Birmingham.
Karen is still sleeping and I tippy toe around the house getting all the trash baskets emptied making the least sound possible. The one is the master bedroom will have to wait. Gracie, my cat, is coming up the stairs and now is reminding me that her poo-poo box needs changing too. Augggh! But she is so grateful for my actions and into the covered box she goes, iniating the new sand I have just put in.
Now where is my sweater cap? My jacket is in the kitchen where I left it last night knowing I would need it today. But where the h*** is my sweater cap Karen made for me for my head on cold days like this? Ah, at the foot of the bed with the box of Kleenex I kicked off sometimes during the night.
I am now into my jacket and cap on top of my sweats and pickup the mail for the mailbox. I have the two garbage bags, the mail in my teeth, and out the back door onto the deck I go. The deck is realatively new, but now creaks under my weight as I descend the 13 steps down to the sidewalk leading to the top of the drive and my roller thingee for the garbage. The corner security light comes on but offers little comfort for this morning trek into 17° winter weather.
But go I must and I have the buggy at the street, the mail in the mailbox and pick up the Birmingham News out of the yard. I can see my breath now that I can breath through my mouth. I looked at the two bills I paid last night and I know the power company and the bank will wonder why the envelopes and checks have teeth marks in them.
I know the sound of the deck creaking will wake Karen but no, she is still sleeping soundly when I go back down the hall. Gracie met me at the storm door on my return but only stuck her nose out and one quick sniff and she knew, she definiely knew, she did not want to go outside THIS morning. 17°....I will remember the next time the weather man warns me of this am artic weather. From a very cold Birmingham, Alabama, USA, Good morning y'all!!
I put my favorite green shorts on and a long sleeved shirt—it is almost winter, after all—to drive downtown for some final Christmas shopping. It got warm enough that we stopped at Foster's Freeze for an ice cream. Just thought you'd like to know.
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