I'm Changing Car Insurance Company!!!!
I am sure each of you have watched the TV commercials about the guy trying to get car insurance and he talks about all the wrecks he has had. Something about "Wreck-tember" was his reference to September and his many wrecks. Now is that the insurance company I want my cars with if you are going to give insurance to this highway idiot?
That insurance company was Nationwide and they are telling his, "Sure, sit back down, we can help you get insurance!" Then last night I am watching the tube again and State Farm shows a young lady having two accidents in the same day and her insurance agent is her friend and "oh, here darling, we are paying for your accidents (and the other cars you hit), don't worry."..What is wrong with these two events?
My dad told me something once as a child that has stuck with me all these years and I quote, "Son, when someone gets something for NOTHING, then someone else PAYS SOMETHING, and gets NOTHING!" In any business it is called underwriters. When Joe Blow tears his car up continually and YOUR insurance company keeps him, then you are that person paying something and getting nothing.
The bottom line is that the auto insurance premium for the safe drive inches up, underwriting the wrecks of the bad driver your carrier continues to carry on the books. I don't want to be a part of this action or company thank you. I expect my insurance company to use reasonable guidelines where accidents are concern and when someone show a tendency to be a somewhat reckless then I expect them to suffer the consequences of their actions. State Farm and Nationwide had best think twice about continuing these tendencies as I am only one person who chooses to air my opinion. The silent majority don't say anything, the just ACT!
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